Saturday, March 12, 2016

What is a network
Nowadays , we have a vital use and wi-fi wirelees network while on the trip worked and travel. every where
    We are can not learn  and working internet network . This respect e find of want studying internet. nertwork The a computing telephone communications between devices connected, one system to nother data exchange software to share network wil.
There many types a network 
1. LAN  (local  area network)
The geogrthaphically service users limited to area each has a separate network. This aslo use are organization and house
2. MAN(Metropolita area network) specific geopraphical zones. for example. mobile phone
3. WAN(Wide area network)
The regardless of their geoprohical locationby network all network devices called host device is direcly connected to the internet network. Host including from eqnipment computer is printer , servers scanner or menu and fibre optic.
         Network advontges    
1. Sharing of peripheral devices
For example? The equipment connected to printen disk,draiver, scanners
2. Sharing of programms and data
 consists of access to such data
3. Bettet commuication
The biggest advantage of the net work side is an e-mail.
4. Security of information 
 a data loss due to accidents restore using other computing network 
5. Access to data base
 Network creates opportunitie for access to the data use 

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